Immunology 2011™ – The American Association of Immunologists



AAI Awards Program

The American Association of Immunologists Awards Program recognizes scientists of distinction at every career stage. The 2011 AAI Award winners will be recognized throughout IMMUNOLOGY 2011™ in special sessions. Three Awardees present their research in lectures.

Career Awards honor individuals for outstanding research and career achievements.

Travel Awards and Grants recognize the professional promise of early-career investigators and assist promising young investigators with travel to the AAI Annual Meeting.

NEW for 2011! AAI Laboratory Travel Grants
DEADLINE: February 18, 2011

AAI is pleased to offer travel grants to assist mid-career investigators in attending IMMUNOLOGY 2011™. Applicants must be AAI Regular Members in good standing, hold an appointment of Associate Professor or equivalent, and have limited support for travel (no more than 1 R01, or equivalent). Assistant professors, full professors, and equivalents are not eligible. Each grant will provide two travel awards of up to $1,250 each: one to the PI or laboratory director and another to a member of his or her lab, chosen by the PI or laboratory director. Applicants must be a first or last author on one or more abstracts submitted to IMMUNOLOGY 2011™ (regular or late breaking). Recipients must attend the annual meeting and will be reimbursed up to $1,250 for registration, abstract submission, travel, and housing.


© The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.
9650 Rockville Pike | Bethesda, Maryland 20814 | Phone: (301) 634-7178 | Fax: (301) 634-7887
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