The American Association of Immunologists Awards Program recognizes scientists of distinction at every career stage. The 2011 AAI Award winners will be recognized throughout IMMUNOLOGY 2011™ in special sessions. Three Awardees present their research in lectures.
Career Awards honor individuals for outstanding research and career achievements.
Travel Awards and Grants recognize the professional promise of early-career investigators and assist promising young investigators with travel to the AAI Annual Meeting.
AAI is pleased to offer travel grants to assist mid-career investigators in attending IMMUNOLOGY 2011™. Applicants must be AAI Regular Members in good standing, hold an appointment of Associate Professor or equivalent, and have limited support for travel (no more than 1 R01, or equivalent). Assistant professors, full professors, and equivalents are not eligible. Each grant will provide two travel awards of up to $1,250 each: one to the PI or laboratory director and another to a member of his or her lab, chosen by the PI or laboratory director. Applicants must be a first or last author on one or more abstracts submitted to IMMUNOLOGY 2011™ (regular or late breaking). Recipients must attend the annual meeting and will be reimbursed up to $1,250 for registration, abstract submission, travel, and housing.
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